Harper is in town and we need a tent rental!

The press is setting up in the tent while waiting for The Prime Minister.

Liviana Fantino and Julian Fantino arriving for the Stephen Harper press conference.

Ryan is getting the construction dust off the chair Mrs. Harper will sit in.

Mrs Harper & Mrs Fantino get front row.

This 20 X 20 tent is set up as a corral for the media. ASAP supplies Eureka tents with a 20 foot open span leaving no obstructions.

Alex Robinson

Stephen Harper

Stephen Harper

Laureen Harper and Stephen Harper arrive for the press conference.
At noon on Monday we received a call from Ottawa for a tent renal, some chairs and other things for delivery and set-up Tuesday in Vaughan near Kleinburg. This is our home turf. Of course we sent a quotation right away.
Just after 3:00 PM the call came back the we had the job. The would be just less than four working hours before the job needed to be completed. In fact we were all done at 10:03 Tuesday morning.
Noteworthy is the press tent. Being a Eureka twin tube it has a 20′ clear span offering no obstructions for the camera crews and reporters. Most tent rental companies supply the less expensive tents with 10′ spans between posts.
Everything was shipped clean but the construction site was dusty and dirty. As time was still available we were able to do finishing touches like washing muddy hand prints off Liviana Fantino and Laureen Harper’s chair at the front and centre.