One torch bearer with an entourage larger than the entire town of King population.
King Sized events by ASAP Tent and Party Rentals
Each year ASAP Tent and Party Rentals is one of King Township event suppliers. As some know, King City is home for “World Headquarters” at ASAP.
The local volunteer Fire Department, The Lions and a good collection of who’s who in King were on hand for the arrival of the PanAm, Para PanAm Torch Relay
ASAP also supplies the localBeerFest andSoupFest and Christmas Street Festival for the Township of King. Most people are unaware that our little Downtown King is about 20 miles from the CN Tower. From this location near the borders of Richmond Hill, Maple (Vaughan) and a highway 400 access close by we are able to serve much of Toronto and the GTA.

It was a dark and stormy day as the PanAm, Para PanAm torch relay arrived in King City.

Here in King City (pop. 4,500) we do “King Sized” events.
Items supplied to the township include staging, tents, outdoor heat solutions as well as regular party rental items.